The Model United Nations arena across the world is an industry that’s grown exponentially
and serving as one of the fastest growing industries requires it to be up to speed in terms of
technological aspects however it is not as of yet. Realizing that the main problem identified
revolves around the marking system of the delegations that represent different nations under
different committees, we understand that it needs to be understandably an efficient and
powerful system with integrity. The current manual system of which consists of the use of
multiple number of software in order to carry forward chair functionality is rather
demeaning and can be very time consuming and in the end of the day revolves around
opinion based rewards off individual chairs’ likings. This makes it quite difficult to ensure
transparency or a valuable marking system is in place in terms of the Model United Nations
Furthermore, understanding that there’s not even one such system of this sort except for the
already originated manual system, we are able to pinpoint the possible potential of the
proposed system in regard to reaching its maximum potential worldwide. Understanding
that this arena is exponentially growing both physically and virtually housing over eight
thousand delegates per conference across the globe while each country individually features
over 100 conferences annually shows how much of potential this software may carry
The solution being to develop both a mobile and web-based application that serves as a
dedicated application only for Model United Nations worldwide. As mentioned above,
being the only of its kind in the market it’s sure to attract market attention and serve as the
market leader for a minimum of twenty four months as most competitors that try to
penetrate through the market will have high costs and will find it difficult to battle against
us as we’d be well established within a time span of 48 months.
In detail research alongside personalized interviews have been conducted in terms of
obtaining the core information in order to carry forward this process of development and
alongside the assistance of the United Nations Information Centre of Sri Lanka, A wider
understanding of the arena was taken into account both in terms of how the MUN industry
has performed in the past and how it would perform in the future as well."