The topic Employee turnover in the Sri Lankan apparel industry for executives was analyzed throughout the research with the support of main objective and sub objectives. The main objective is to understand the key requirements of executives and the reasons for the turnover of executives in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. Sub objectives of the research are, to evaluate the impacting factors of the turnover, to critically analyze socio – economy and organizational impacting factors which drive towards turnover and to provide recommendations based on analyzed factors. Employees are considered as the most essential asset of an organization and they work for the growth of the organization. The research is conducted focusing on the age group 20 – 35. Since this age group contains Millennials, this generation category will be examined and explained in the research as well. Executives are a set of people in an organization who are given a set of responsibilities and the decisionmaking authority to maintain work ethics. At the same time, it was analyzed and identified that there are several studies which were done focusing machine operators and team member categories. However, this research varies from above mentioned, as the author will be concentrating on the executive category which needs to be monitored properly due to the current situations faced by the apparel industry. The word “turnover” stands for an employee leaving an organization due to one or more issues. The turnover of executives has become one of the significant problems in the apparel industry and a common issue resulting tangible and intangible costs for the organization.
The background of the study and justification take place in the first chapter. There are several key areas where an executive could get the intention to leave an organization. These main factors which impact the turnover are listed down and explained clearly in the second chapter. Literature review was included along with executive turnover. HRM practices, Job satisfaction and organizational commitment, training and development can be mentioned as a few areas which have being explained in the second chapter. Theories which connect with executive turnover and how impact could be reduced, discussed under the same chapter. Third chapter describes methodology, conceptual framework etc. Quantitative method was
used to gather information with the support of a structured questionnaire. Executives who are currently working and who have already left the organizations were focused in the apparel industry when piloting the questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed to executives from selected organizations who are working for the apparel sector in Sri Lanka to get accurate information to carry out the research. Interviews used as other supportive methods of collecting primary data. The research onion model was used with the pathway of positivism, deductive, survey, mono method and cross sectional. Finally, the results will be critically analyzed to conclude the main areas that become core factors to make an executive leave an organization and will further explain the recommendations which can be taken to reduce the impact.