The fundamental human needs to live are food, water, air and shelter. Home is the place
where the basic, emotional, psychological, and social needs of every individual human
become fulfilled. The author did the apartment recommendation which is one of the
categories of housing. People always search for a good apartment among the options.
Normally the people are looking for new apartments from websites and newspaper
advertisements, but they are providing only the dimension detail of the apartment and
internal facilities of the apartment. To select an apartment internal facility is not sufficient.
When we selecting the apartment only considering the internal facilities, for the time being
it makes us happy but in future, the happiness will be affected due to the external factors.
If every individual goes through the external factors of the apartment, it will take more time
and it’s not possible.
To sort out this problem the author proposed the web application which recommends
apartments by considering the external factors such as nearby user interesting places like
school, hospital etc. The nearby user interested places were collected using the google maps
API and Foursquare API. As a product, the HomeOutlook Apartment Recommendation
web application was developed.
The recommendation system was tested according to the testing criteria and the
performance was also tested based on the analysis of the recommendations by
HomeOutlook. Domain experts stated that the solution performed well and produced
acceptable recommendations. End-users of the proposed solution rated this product as
useful and valued that the research solved the identified problem."