Virtual fit-on concept is used in online sites to purchase dresses. But these systems
cannot be afforded by an average website because it may cost more compared to a
normal ecommerce website. Now days, according to the current pandemic situation,
most of the fit-on rooms are closed. Hence the customers face difficulty in trying out
clothing that fits them on. It may cause risks for the customers. Customers have to
purchase the clothes at their own risk, whether it matches them or not. Trying out
clothing that was tried out by other, tends some chances to spend skin diseases. The
shop owners have to spend money in buying a specific device and allocate a space for
virtual fit-on system. These things may incur a cost to shop owners. These devices can’t
be afforded by an average shop owner.
Smart mobile usage has increased now a day, therefore, solving this problem using a
smart phone may help usersto solve these problems. The user can create a sample avatar
by giving his measurements and the dress should have a QR code which has the
measurements of the dress and other details, and when user scans the QR code it will
generate the dress. Once generated user can see the output and get an idea on how it
could look on him or her. This will help users to get an idea on how he looks, when he
dresses up.
The gaming techniques can be used to solve it generating an avatar using to give a
reality experience and get the relevant data about the dress in QR code, and wear the
dress by mapping the Skelton point and dress using mapping algorithms. This system
is developed on unity platform using UMA assets, blender used to create relevant mesh."