With the rising popularity of biometric authentication methods, Importance of securely
storing biometric data has also risen. Due to volatile nature of biometric data, solution used
in tradition password authentication systems, such as hashing cannot be applied to
biometric authentication. Recognizing this issues research all around the world have started
proposing various solution to the growing problem. Most of these solutions are centered
around fuzzy logic. All types of biometric data be it a fingerprint image or scan of an iris
are fuzzy. There is no certainty that two scans of the same biometric feature of the same
person will be same. Fuzzy logic has been applied in various ways to handle these fuzzy
data. Fuzzy extraction, Fuzzy vaults and secure sketches being few of them.
This project will be focused on improving already available Fuzzy Vault solutions and
focusing them only on fingerprint data handling. The proposed solution will be able to
integrate into already existing fingerprint authentication systems and increase the security
of stored fingerprint data without worrying about handling encryption keys.