Football is the most watched and played sport globally. Every year billions of dollars
are risked to bet on match outcomes. These conclude in either home wins, draw or away
wins. Football is regulated by FIFA organization, under which several continental and
international leagues exist. Countries in each continent have a domestic league or two
or more in case of England. Which this research will be focusing on, specifically
English Premier League which is the most popular domestic league globally. Prediction
of football matches have been attempted in Turkish League as well as FIFA world cups
and the EPL. Existing research has focused on the accuracy by using techniques such
as training on video game data or reducing the number of considered features. This
research project provides a prediction model where attendance of the game is
considered to make predictions alongside the outcome of the past 3 matches for each
team. It also uses a novel, untested approach by using ensemble methods in the
application & testing of the Voting Classifier. "