Land and Property has been a major factor for the wealth of a persona. It has become essential to record the ownership and detect fraudulent activities related to the land related documents. The traditional method of storing such data has been through paperwork and it has limitations when it comes to data immutability due to the vulnerability of paperwork. Another approach to store data is by digitalizing the records. This approach has also proven to be inefficient due to the centralized database on which it is built on. A centralized or traditional database carries risk falling prey to data corruption or manipulation in an illegal way.
To overcome the above-mentioned limitations, the decentralized approach for land & property tracking was introduced. This project is mainly focused on recording data using blockchain technology. The proposed system is an accurate way to store land related data with dataimmutability and provide ways to apply for infrastructure facilities for buildings in a decentralized way. The research is mainly focused on manipulating the stellar network which uses a hybrid blockchain technology to track and validate records related to land & property.