Due to the weaknesses of traditional paradigms, people tend to misuse them, and that misuse becomes corruption. The Sri Lankan public procurement can is pointed out as one of the main corrupted traditional processes of Sri Lanka. With the technological advancements of the present century, overcoming weaknesses of traditional paradigms are somewhat more straightforward. For good governance in Sri Lanka, corruption of systems can reduce by using Information Communication Technology. Use of Blockchain technology can bring out an eprocurement approach for the traditional Procurement System. The technology that was initially limited to bitcoin has revolutionized the present tech industry. Because of the transparency aspect of Blockchain technology, various industries have made use of it.
This research presents a Blockchain based e tendering system for the public procurement of Sri Lanka to reduce corruption. The main functionalities of this system are online tender publication, supplier registration, tender notification and supply catalogue. The proposed system will be able to handle the entire public procurement process of Sri Lanka. Hyperledger fabric, Golan, Express js and angular js technologies used for the development of this system.