Sri Lanka is one of the top travel destinations in the world. Today, it is common to
leave a review about the travelers’ experience online. Each destination around the Sri Lanka
consist of reviews from travelers all over the world. People usually use platforms like google
places and foursquare to review places. The reviews are valuable to a person who wants to
travel to a new destination they might like but never visited before or even heard of. It would
consume time to read reviews at each destination around the country. This is where Ceylon
Trip Organizer (CTO) comes handy, it will read the reviews for you and give you the best
destinations around the country according to your preferences. This saves valuable time that
would take to read hundreds of reviews just to find one destination.
CTO interfaces with the users through a chatbot. Users can input their requirement to
the chatbot by typing. They can be precise about the destination they prefer, and the user
will be provided with a list of destinations that matches to their preference. CTO makes use
of Natural language processing and parse tress to identify the requirements of the user
through the conversation text between the chatbot and the user. CTO will use the identified
requirements and search through reviews platforms like foursquare to find suitable
destinations for the user. The CTO prototype is built on a microservice platform, and has been
tested, evaluated by experts to prove to be an effective solution.