Legal domain have large amount of important, confidential information in different
categories. Legal documents/ legal Acts contain large volumes, different vocabulary and
text with multiple different meanings. This research is about Sinhala Public Law Acts
which has complex vocabulary, citations and complex content. When readers go through
the legal documents, they face problems like understanding the content because there are
many paragraphs describing minor details in various aspects. This could be a very tiring
task. Therefore they will not be able to concentrate, may skip content and consequently
will miss the important parts. Additionally because of its complex content and many
pages, the reader will have a lazy mind to read the whole document. By not reading the
whole content and not understanding it properly, it may push the reader to the wrong
conclusions. Therefore having summary of legal document with understandable
vocabulary will help reader to overcome such difficulties
This paper describes a system for legal professional and laymen to get summaries of
Sinhala legal documents using deep learning techniques in natural language processing
based on abstractive text summarizing method.