When programmers are developing systems, the functionalities are considered as the
highest priority. But in software engineering source code is considered the most valuable
asset. Maintaining the quality of source code is an important task, to achieve that goal
programmers, need to analyze their source codes. It is difficult to analyze the source code
line by line. The project is targeted towards the technical community including developers,
testers, managers and students. The quality of the source code will be measured under the
code quality matrix.
By automating the software source code quality assurance process the systems and their
maintainability will be much reliable that the standard procedure. The proposed system is
built on collaborative filtering and content-based filtering algorithm in order to achieve
highly informative results. At the end of the process quality reports are generated and the
quality issues will be highlighted in the source files. The prototype of this project is limited
towards Javascript syntaxes due to the time constraints.