"Sri Lankan students follow the British or the Local curriculum to be eligible for their first degree. Based on the results, few get a chance in a state university. Therefore, the rest will have to go to a private university. Most students find it challenging to find an enjoyable and expectation-matching degree. They rarely use their personality type to choose a satisfactory degree.
The project “Conseils” aims to design, develop and evaluate a website for the students to help them analyse their personality type to find a better degree and, ultimately, a career path.
A pilot study was conducted to identify the problem in-depth. Additionally, a stratified random sampling was used as a probabilistic sampling technique containing a random sample of 10 students and a Consultant family physician and psychological counsellor. With the help of the information gathered from the interviews and questionnaire, a literature review was done.
The method used to identify the personality type is Myers–Briggs Type Indicator. A personality type is a psychological classification used to identify individuals’ differences. By answering some questions, students can figure out their type, which they can use to know more about themselves.
After thorough research on the development, a mathematical approach was used to analyse the user input data in the quiz used to find the personality type. The mathematical approach used averages generated from a dataset with a 29000+ data sample. "