Promotions are a vital aspect in supermarket customers day to day. Supermarket
promotions can be divided as price discounts, bundle offers, loyalty card offers, and
bank card offers. People who visit supermarkets are mostly interested in promotions.
But supermarket customers have been facing numerous problems when searching for
promotions at supermarkets.
Some of the problems supermarket customers face are, time waste, lack of interest, lack
of user friendliness in similar applications, finding area wise promotions and finding
the best discount. Smart Promo is solution to avoid the issues supermarket customers
are currently facing. Also, currently some Sri Lankan supermarkets have clearance sale
promotions which are unique for one supermarket outlet but currently supermarkets do
not consist a proper method to advertise these promotions using technology. Also,
supermarket chains have different discounts for the same product and some
supermarket chains offer significant price discounts which are different from another
supermarket chain.
The aim of this project is to allow supermarket customers to know about the promotions
and discounts of fast-moving consumer goods in supermarkets using one mobile
application rather than using several web/mobile applications for every supermarket or
physically visiting a supermarket. Smart Promo also notifies the user about promotions,
once the user is near a supermarket. “Smart Promo” is a mobile application,
supermarket customer could use to find the best discount which many more