Even though wide range of user groups use the web applications, most modern
websites are purely focused on the set of user group while excluding the other user
groups. But the question is when comes to the e-commerce like domain the audience
can be wide and the demography also wide range and does it optimized to fulfil the
specific user group need?
In most of the scenario, the website shows the same layout with the same font size,
colour and attributes which may not match the users need. Therefore, the
personalization based on the users need become a must require and the Adaptive UI
framework will help to do that task easily.
Adaptive UI framework mainly fulfils two task one is to adapt based on the
demography and the adapt based on the user behaviour. Demography adaptation was
done by asking a few questions from the user in the initial load and give few profile
suggestions to users and change the overall layout based on that. This suggestion did
base on the previously available data and used the clustering technique to identify the
matching clusters. Behaviour adaptation will change the overall layout structure by
calculating the fixation and dwell time for each component and rearrange each
component based on the priority to easily access. The main flexibility of the
framework is developed can decide which elements need to adapt and which need to
keep as it is. This will eliminate the layout break issue which currently most of the
framework has. Also the colours, font size, layout adaptation result provided by the
framework in satisfied level and match with the user expectation and SUS of the
framework also in Good level which indicate most of the users can able to use the
system without any issue."