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Browsing 2020 by Title

Browsing 2020 by Title

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  • De Zoysa, Kavisha (2020)
    The organization does not provide quality training to new and existing workers which affects not just the growth of individual employees but also the growth of the business itself. To fully appreciate the value that training ...
  • Ismath, Mohamed Ifram (2020)
    Financial Exclusion has resulted in 2.5 billion of the world’s working adults excluded from formal financial services. Financial exclusion is a common phenomenon among emerging and developing countries and accounts for ...
  • Mascranghe, Antony Brayon (2020)
    "The automotive industry in Sri Lanka is shifting slowly toward a service-oriented model with new entrants concentrating extensively on customer experience and consumer data. Associated Motorways Private (LTD) is one ...
  • Abusaly, Yousuf Ahamed (2020)
    WSO2 was founded in 2005, WSO2 provides an open-source API-driven decentralized solutions that empowers developers and architects to be more productive and enables them to build digital products rapidly to meet the demand. ...


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