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MovieGoAR- An Interactive Movie AR application using Image Processing

Show simple item record Jayamanne, Rusiru Madushan 2021-07-04T06:09:50Z 2021-07-04T06:09:50Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Jayamanna, Rusiru Madushan (2020) MovieGoAR- An Interactive Movie AR application using Image Processing, BSc. Dissertation Informatics Institute of Technology en_US
dc.identifier.other 2016275
dc.description.abstract With Augmented Reality being one of the cutting edge technologies, it has come to a time where a concept is objectified to interact with human users rather than complying with letters and numbers. It is found that it is more effective for a user to interact with motion, in this scenario Augmented Reality, to convey the most relevant information more efficiently and accurately which is specific to the user. This project becomes more viable when it co-ordinates with image processing with regard to AR in hand. According to the research done so far, dozens of projects have been found related to the conseptual use of Augmented Reality and speech recognition, but yet least number of hits pertain to the problem domain related to the project. Thus, MovieGoAR seems to tackle the hindrances and gaps that demotivates the actual purpose of Augmented Reality and interaction. All the model related data was trained using Python Framework and Android used for visualizing the training data and output. Implemented systems were tested thoroughly under different conditions and the system was evaluated by several masters of various domains. Eventually, the test results attested that the analysis, design, implementation and documentation has been carried out in ain effective and in an efficient manner. en_US
dc.subject Image Processing en_US
dc.subject Convolutional Neural Networks en_US
dc.subject Speech Recognition en_US
dc.subject Semi Supervised Learning en_US
dc.subject Deep Learning en_US
dc.subject Augmented Reality en_US
dc.title MovieGoAR- An Interactive Movie AR application using Image Processing en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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