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Salary recommendation system

Show simple item record Mohamed fazal, Mohamed shazan 2024-04-24T09:53:14Z 2024-04-24T09:53:14Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Mohamed fazal, Mohamed shazan (2023) Salary recommendation system. BSc. Dissertation, Informatics Institute of Technology en_US
dc.identifier.issn 20191172
dc.description.abstract "In the information technology sector, it's critical for workers to receive a fair wage that accounts for their education and experience. When beginning a new job or negotiating a pay raise, many people, however, find it difficult to determine the right salary range. People may receive less money than they deserve as a result, which could demotivate them and make them unhappy at work. To solve this issue, we provide a salary recommendation system that can appropriately measure a person's value on the job market. Our system uses a hybrid recommendation strategy that combines content-based and random Forest Classifier techniques to produce salary recommendations for each user. To create a comprehensive database of pay data, the system compiles information from a variety of sources. The system will produce a compensation range that is indicative of the current market conditions and the individual's skill based on the job title, experience, company size, education of the individual. In addition to offering clients a tailored wage proposal, the system offers advice on bargaining tactics and ideas to assist people in securing a fair salary. The system aspires to establish a more equal and fair job market for all information technology workers. The models were used to evaluate with the help of machine learning models such as the Accuracy, F1 score, Precision, AUC/ROC score. In conclusion, the salary recommendation system will help the individual to be assisted in making informed decisions about the remuneration negotiation and ultimately up to a certain extent to close the wage gap in the information technology industry. " en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Machine Learning Models en_US
dc.subject Hybrid Recommendation en_US
dc.subject Wage gap en_US
dc.title Salary recommendation system en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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