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Central login with face detection

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dc.contributor.advisor Gowthaman, J. 2019-03-14T06:41:28Z 2019-03-14T06:41:28Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Gowthaman, J. (2017) Central login with face detection. Informatics Institute of Technology Sri Lanka and University of Westminster UK. en_US
dc.identifier.other 2012018
dc.identifier.other 1558
dc.description.abstract Now a day mostly all the things are controlling or working on software application. Such as mobile phones, embedded systems, new vehicles, our daily business and etc. So, while we use this application we are getting pros and cons. these cons are giving some bad things so we need to prevent from this, so we need complicated security system. So, we need to add biometrics technology. Face detection is a challenging task and that identifies human faces in digital images. Human face detection and recognition by computer systems has become a major field of interest. Face detection algorithms are used in a wide range of applications, such as security control, video retrieving, biometric signal processing, human computer interface, face recognitions and image database management. However, it is difficult to develop a complete robust face detector due to various light conditions, face sizes, face orientations, background and skin colors. In this report contain an application called Central login with face detection. Namely the user does not need to login individually to the stated websites. They can Login to our application using FACE Recognition and access the specified websites hassle free. en_US
dc.subject Biometrics en_US
dc.subject face detection en_US
dc.title Central login with face detection en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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